Loss of the imprinted, non-coding Snord116 gene cluster in the interval deleted in the Prader Willi syndrome results in murine neuronal and endocrine pancreatic developmental phenotypes


Burnett LC, Hubner G, LeDuc C, Morabito MV Carli JFM, Leibel RL

Scientific Notation:

Hum Mol Genet. 2017 Sep 6. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddx342. [Epub ahead of print]

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Global neurodevelopmental delay is a prominent characteristic of individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). The neuromolecular bases for these delays are unknown. We identified neuroanatomical changes in the brains of mice deficient for a gene in the minimal critical deletion region for PWS (Snord116p-/m+). In Snord116p-/m+ mice, reduced primary forebrain neuron cell body size is apparent in embryonic day 15.5 fetuses, and persists until postnatal day 30 in cerebellar purkinje neurons. Snord116 is a snoRNA gene cluster of unknown function that can localize to the nucleolus. In cerebellar purkinje neurons from postnatal day 30 Snord116p-/m+ mice the reduction in neuronal cell body size was associated with decreased neuronal nucleolar size. We also identified developmental changes in the endocrine pancreas of Snord116p-/m+ animals that persist into adulthood. Mice lacking Snord116 have smaller pancreatic islets; within the islet the percentage of δ-cells is increased, while the percentage of α-cells is reduced. The α-cell markers, Sst and Hhex, are upregulated in Snord116p-/m+ isolated islets while Ins1, Ins2, Pdx1, Nkx6-1, and Pax6 are downregulated. There is a 3-fold increase in the percentage of polyhormonal cells in the neonatal pancreata of Snord116p-/m+ mice, due primarily to an increase in cells co-positive with somatostatin (SST). Snord116 may play a role in islet cell lineage specification. The Snord116 gene cluster is important for developmental processes in the brain as well as the endocrine pancreas.