Funding Summary
This project will explore how the gut microbiome influences metabolic health in PWS. Dr. Haqq is collaborating with one of the world’s leading metabolomics lab (Dr. David Wishart) to characterize ‘metabolite’ profiles in children and adolescents with PWS and explore the links between blood metabolites, the gut microbe, and metabolic health in PWS.
Dr. Theresa Strong, Director of Research Programs, explains the details of this project in this video clip.
Lay Abstract
Thousands of small molecules—amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), sugars, lipids, and more—circulate throughout the human body in blood. We call them “metabolites”, and they are critical to human health. Amino acids, for example, play important roles in the regulation of appetite and body weight. The presence and concentrations of these compounds can provide meaningful profiles for assessing health or disease risks. Our team is eager to learn more about metabolites in children and adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). In collaboration with the world leading metabolomics lab (Dr. David Wishart), we will identify PWS-associated metabolite profiles and explore the links between blood metabolites, gut microbes, and metabolic health in PWS. This will be an important step for us to create personalized recommendations about what to eat for optimal health in the PWS population.
Funded Year:
Awarded to:
Andrea Haqq, MD
University of Alberta

Andrea Haqq, MD