Research Blog

If your loved one with PWS struggles with daytime sleepiness, you may be interested in learning more about TEMPO, a phase 3 study of Pitolisant, now enrolling volunteers with PWS ages 6 to 65 years old. This study will evaluate the efficacy of Pitolisant in treating excessive daytime sleepiness in...
Source: FPWR Blog | Published: June 6 2024 - 03:24 PM
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic disorder with a range of challenging symptoms, including hyperphagia (excessive hunger), obesity, and behavioral issues. Despite these challenges, recent advancements in medical research and therapeutic developments offer substantial hope for...
Source: FPWR Blog | Published: June 6 2024 - 11:07 AM
The FPWR Genome Study, full title “Whole Genome and RNA Sequencing Analysis in Prader-Willi Syndrome," is an ongoing whole genome sequencing study among 50 individuals with PWS. The goal of the study is to determine if genetic variants outside the PWS region of chromosome 15 affect the severity and...
Source: FPWR Blog | Published: May 5 2024 - 09:30 AM
We are pleased to announce the recipients of our first round of grants for 2024, totaling more than $1,000,000 in awards, as part of the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research's (FPWR) ongoing commitment to advancing research in Prader-Willi (PWS) and Schaaf-Yang (SYS) syndromes. These grants support...
Source: FPWR Blog | Published: May 5 2024 - 08:15 AM
PWS impacts many aspects of our children’s lives. The hallmark struggle for those affected by PWS is hyperphagia, or excessive appetite. But beyond hyperphagia, individuals with PWS are susceptible to other behavioral and emotional problems that affect both their quality of life and that of their...
Source: FPWR Blog | Published: May 5 2024 - 10:00 AM
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