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Interesting new paper - Down syndrome

There's a new paper out on Down syndrome that I thought I'd share because it demonstrates several points that I think are relevant to PWS.

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Nutrient sensing in the hypothalamus

Here's a new paper out in Nature Neuroscience that explores the ability of the hypothalamus to sense the nutritional status of the body and modulate hunger in response.

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A role for PWS-snoRNAs, finally!

There's a new paper out in a top journal, Science, on what is may be the first understanding of the underlying molecular basis of features of PWS - The snoRNA HBII-52 regulates alternative splicing of the serotonin receptor 2C -- I've put the link at...

Topics: Research

Why is leptin ignored in obese people and animals?

As many of you know, leptin is the signal released from fat cells that relays a message to the brain that the fat cells are 'full' and it's time to stop eating. It has also been discovered that leptin works directly on the fat cells themselves, decre...

Topics: Research

Mighty muscles

Myostatin normally keeps muscles from growing. Scientist are trying to inhibit myostatin as a therapeutic approach for kids with muscular dystrophy; this strategy has just entered clinical trials using an antibody that sops up the myostatin.

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Clinical trial - modafinil in ADHD

Here is a new study just out in the journal Pediatrics using the new formulation of modafinil for ADHD in children (age 6-17) (a formulation for which Cephalon is seeking FDA approval in children). Modafinil is a "wake promoting" drug that is thought...

Topics: Research

Brain imaging and autism

Brain imaging is really starting to come into its own these days --- the technology is improving and scientists are getting better at interpreting the results. In addition, the NIH is emphasizing support of imagining technology, so hopefully the fiel...

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Narrowing down the genetic region responsible for PWS

Below you'll find the abstract for a newly published paper trying to narrow down exactly which DNA sequences in the PW region of chromosome 15 are responsible for PWS.

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Resource: peer review process

Sense about Science is a UK nonprofit that promotes evidence-based science and public education/discussion regarding the scientific process.

Topics: Research