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Fat Fish

Zebrafish are hot - these little fish are all the rage in the research world these days. They develop very quickly (embryo to fish in just a couple of days) and scientists are developing better ways to manipulate their genes and use them to study hum...

Topics: Research

Mice show the way to fix genetic disorders (updated)

It's not often that words such as "rescue of neurological deficits", "therapy for cognitive impairment" and "reversal of neurological defects" are used in the titles of papers studying genetic disorders like Angelman, Down, and Rett syndromes, but a ...

Topics: Research

Psychiatric illness in adults with PWS

One of the most troubling features of PWS is the high risk of mental illness in adults with the syndrome. Although a considerable amount has been written on obsessive-compulsive traits, stubbornness and maladaptive behaviors associated with PWS, less...

Topics: Research

Deletion vs. UPD: 70/30 or 50/50?

Most information about PWS starts out with a brief overview of the genetics of the condition. Deletion of chromosome 15 is listed as the most common cause of PWS, accounting for roughly 70% of cases.

Topics: Research

A genetic basis for autism

Progress in understanding the basis of autism is relevant to PWS for a number of reasons, including the high incidence of autistic behaviors in those with PWS (see, for example: Descheemaeker MJ, et al Pervasive developmental disorders in Prader-Will...

Topics: Research

Nesfatin: a new appetite-control molecule

The number of molecules controlling appetite and body weight continues to grow! A new satiety-inducing molecule, secreted by the hypothalamus, has been identified and named "nesfatin-1" (short for: NEFA/nucleobindin2-encoded satiety- and fat-influenc...

Topics: Research

Obestatin is not elevated in PWS

An article published last year described a new appetite suppressing peptide hormone, obestatin (see previous blog and reference here). One interesting feature about this peptide is that it appears to be derived from the same precursor as ghrelin, the...

Topics: Research

Ghrelin in young kids with PWS- waiting for the storm?

A new paper out in the Journal of Pediatrics looks at Ghrelin levels in young children with Prader-Willi syndrome - Erdie-Lalena CR, Holm VA, Kelly PC, Frayo RS, Cummings DE. J Pediatrics, 149:199-204, 2006). This study adds to the existing literatur...

Topics: Research

Review of Growth Hormone and PWS Mortality

Dr. Phillip Lee is an expert on PWS endocrine issues; notably growth hormone therapy in PWS. He wrote a review on the subject in the Growth, Genetics & Hormones journal, an online resource directed to endocrinologists and health professionals tha...

Topics: Research