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FPWR Proudly Awards $1.2 Million to Promising Science in Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)

Los Angeles, CA, August 7, 2014– The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR), a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting research to advance the understanding and treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), announced today the awarding of $1....

Topics: Research

Sleep Apnea In Infants and Children with PWS: Is a Sleep Study On Your "To-Do" List?

In a study from The Hospital for Sick Children, the authors recommend that all infants with PWS be screened for sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and receive oxygen treatment as needed. SDB is an area of great concern for the PWS community. SDB includ...

Topics: Research

FPWR Announces Request For Applications

The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR) announces the availability of funds to support innovative research relevant to PWS. FPWR is particularly interested in supporting projects that will lead to new interventions to alleviate the symptoms a...

Topics: Research

Thank you Wendy Kosmak and LinkedIn for supporting PWS Research!

Each year LinkedIn promotes employee philanthropy through a two-week fundraising challenge at it’s Chicago office. Employees are encouraged to join one of ten fundraising teams supporting a charity of the team’s choosing. The team that raises the mos...

Topics: Research

Webinar: Fundraising Outside the Walk

You are invited to attend a free webinar: Fundraising Outside the Walk. Have you considered hosting a fundraising event to benefit PWS research? Join four veteran event hosts as they share their tips for hosting events "Outside the Walk":

Topics: Research

PWS at the FDA

On Tuesday, June 17, key leaders and scientific staff members at the FDA took time out of their busy schedules to learn about the serious challenges of PWS, to hear about our loved ones’ unmet medical needs, and to discuss ways to work with the PWS c...

Topics: Research

PWS iPS cells are helping researchers make breakthroughs

One of the exciting breakthroughs in PWS research in recent years has been the development of induced pluripotent stem cells or “iPSCs”. Although there is tremendous excitement among the scientific community about iPSCs, many parents, patients, and a...

Topics: Research

PWS in the News: Researchers studying rare genetic disorder

Dr. Marc Lalande is leading a team of researchers trying to unlock the key to improve the quality of life for children born with Prader-Willi Syndrome by growing stem cells from blood and skin samples in an effort to come up with breakthrough therapy...

Topics: Research

2014 Puzzle Project: Small Molecule Screening for Potential PWS Therapeutics

We all wish, hope and work for a ‘cure’ for PWS - new treatments for the hunger, a new therapy to improve behavior, interventions to make our child’s life healthier, happier and more independent. After years with very few new drugs and interventions ...

Topics: Research