Topics: Research
On June 23, FPWR research staff members Theresa Strong and Jessica Bohonowych presented a webinar reviewing recent initiatives funded through FPWR. The webinar is available on video below. It includes an overview of newly funded studies, new opportun...
A special contribution by guest blogger Laura Capone Laura shared her story via our Stories of Hope questionnaire. Has your child exceeded your expectations? A million times yes! We were given a very low expectation for Tommy's future, but he is a wa...
Topics: Stories of Hope
Cognition, social behavior, and decision-making are common challenges among individuals with PWS. The brain region that controls many of these functions is called the frontal lobe. To date, there has been little work on understanding differences in t...
Topics: Research
There has been much recent interest in the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) community regarding vagus nerve stimulation, a novel approach to treat PWS behavior issues, which is being led by Dr. Tony Holland and supported by FPWR. In fact, Dr. Holland, a p...
Topics: Research
A special contribution by guest blogger, dad, and One Small Step host Adam Larson An expecting father has crystal clear vision. You are at the moment when all you will ever amount to is about to be tested. All of your talents will be called upon and ...
Topics: Stories of Hope
Many may remember Dr. Rudolph Leibel’s presentation on stem cells and Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) at the FPWR Research Conference in November 2014. He also published a breakthrough discovery in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, with Lisa Burnett...
Topics: Research
All individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) have at least one copy of the PWS region from their mother, but it is turned off through a normal biological process called genomic imprinting. Normally, the chromosome 15 that is inherited from the fa...
Topics: Research
A special contribution by guest blogger and One SMALL Step Washington, DC, co-host Dominique Deleage Our son Charlie is now 10 years old. We found out that he had PWS when he was three weeks old. We had never heard of the disorder. I still remember t...
Topics: Stories of Hope
Individuals with PWS present with a very broad range of severity of symptoms, which is why people often refer to PWS as a “spectrum" disorder. A new study funded by FPWR will help us understand how and why there are different degrees of PWS severity,...
Topics: Research