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Dr. Nectow Researches Role of DRN Brain Region and Hyperphagia in PWS

Researchers throughout the world are hard at work trying to identify the biological mechanism(s) that drive hyperphagia (excessive eating) in PWS. One of these scientists is Dr. Alexander Nectow at Princeton Univeristy. Dr. Nectow's group studies a r...

Topics: Research

Intellectual Disability and PWS Researcher Godler Awarded $500,000

FPWR–funded researcher Dr. David Godler, of Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and University of Melbourne in Australia, was recently awarded nearly $500,000 AUD from the Turnbull Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). The award funds a...

Topics: Research

You Do You! New 'Take Action' PWS Fundraising Tool

When it comes to fundraising for PWS research, I've got good news, and I've got good news: First, in 2017, our community raised $3,200,000 for PWS research! Thanks to everyone who fundraised or supported a fundraiser, last year FPWR funded 18 researc...

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PWS Registry Data: Developmental Milestones in PWS [INFOGRAPHIC]

Since the launch of the Global PWS Registry in 2015, nearly 1,400 participants have enrolled. This month, the registry is highlighting results from the developmental milestones survey. This survey is aimed at understanding the age individuals with PW...

Topics: Research

Welcome FPWR's New CEO, John Walter

Please join me in welcoming FPWR's newest team member, Chief Executive Officer John Walter! Walter has dedicated his entire professional career to the non-profit sector, with over 30 years of experience in the field. Former CEO of the Leukemia and Ly...

Topics: News

Dr. Dimitropoulos Uses Telehealth To Bring PWS Behavioral Therapies Home

There are numerous efforts in the healthcare community to increase health care accessibility, education, and support. One of these approaches is “telehealth”, the use of telecommunications methods such as computers and phones to deliver health relate...

Topics: Research

Developing a Clinical Trial Network for Prader-Willi Syndrome

The number of clinical trials for PWS continues to increase at a rapid pace. In 2017, listed 13 PWS clinical trials, compared with only two trials 10 years ago. With the increase in PWS clinical trials, our community is presented w...

Topics: Research

PWS Registry Data: 61% Report Sleep Issues In PWS [INFOGRAPHIC]

Sleep is a common challenge among people with PWS. Whether it is daytime sleepiness, getting up at all hours of the night, early waking, or another sleep related issue, sleep challenges not only affect the individual with PWS but the entire family. T...

Topics: Research

PWS Clinical Trials Consortium: 2017 Update

The PWS-Clinical Trial Consortium (PWS-CTC) combines the expertise and perspective from multiple disciplines and stakeholders, bringing together members of academia, industry, and patient organizations from around the world in order to address the un...

Topics: Research