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Multidisciplinary PWS Clinic Opens At Vanderbilt University

A new multidisciplinary PWS clinic at Vanderbilt University provides comprehensive and innovative care of children and adults with PWS.

multidisciplinary-pws-clinic-opens-at-vanderbilt-university-1.jpgA new multidisciplinary PWS clinic at Vanderbilt University provides comprehensive and innovative care of children and adults with PWS. The clinic will enable patients to see a variety of PWS specialists in one location, easing the burden on patients and their families.The new clinic at Vanderbilt University was started by Dr. Jessica Duis. She was trained in pediatrics and genetics at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, and also spent a year specializing in epigenetics research, focusing her bench and clinical work on PWS. She hopes to develop a truly translational approach to bring new treatments to individuals with PWS. 

The clinic team includes includes genetics, endocrinology, nutrition, pulmonology and behavioral psychology specialties. The goal is to specifically focus on comprehensive and innovative care of children and adults with PWS. Questions about the clinic can be sent via email here.    

More About Multidisciplinary PWS Clinics

The PWS community is fortunate to have expert clinicians all over the world, committed to treating patients with PWS with compassion and the highest standard of care. Considering the broad phenotype of PWS, and all of the various specialists a patient with PWS may see, it can be overwhelming for families to make time for all of the needed appointments. This is especially true when traveling is involved. PWS focused multidisciplinary clinics can have a huge impact in easing this burden.

Multidisciplinary clinics bring bring together a team of specialists, so that a patient can see all of the needed doctors in a series of appointments on the same day. This approach also promotes sharing of knowledge and information among the physicians, so that treatment can be more cohesive. There are several PWS clinics in the US, as well as in other countries around the world. Some of them are listed below. If you know of one that isn't on this list, please leave a comment!

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Jessica Bohonowych


Jessica Bohonowych is a graduate of Duke University, and holds a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of California, Davis. Incorporating her research background, knowledge of pharmacology and drug development, and teaching experience, Jessica works with Theresa Strong in managing FPWR’s grant portfolio, communicating research results and breakthroughs to our community, aiding in special projects such as the Clinical Trials Initiative and Molecular Resource Center, and is heading the development of the Global PWS Registry.