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Jessica Bohonowych

Jessica Bohonowych is a graduate of Duke University, and holds a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of California, Davis. Incorporating her research background, knowledge of pharmacology and drug development, and teaching experience, Jessica works with Theresa Strong in managing FPWR’s grant portfolio, communicating research results and breakthroughs to our community, aiding in special projects such as the Clinical Trials Initiative and Molecular Resource Center, and is heading the development of the Global PWS Registry.

Recent Posts

Cell Culture Model Used to Study How PWS Genes Regulate Hormones

Hormones are little messengers that circulate in the body, carrying important information from one location to the next, and triggering the appropriate response to that information. Numerous hormone levels are altered in PWS. These include hormones t...

Topics: Research

Temperature May Impact Gene Expression in Mice During PWS Research

There are several mouse models used in PWS research, each missing some part of the DNA that is absent in PWS. Two of the most commonly used mouse models are the Snord116 mouse and the Magel2 mouse. Each of these has a deletion of the respective PWS-r...

Topics: Research

Identifying the Role of the 'Hunger Hormone' Ghrelin

There are numerous hormones that are intricately involved in connecting the stomach to the brain and telling us when we are hungry or full. One of these hormones is ghrelin, which is often referred to as "the hunger hormone." Although individuals wit...

Topics: Research

New Study on Social Functioning Intervention for Young Adults with PWS

Family members and caretakers of individuals with PWS know that those individuals are often the friendliest people in a room, particularly when they are young children eager to give a hug. However, people with intellectual or developmental delays oft...

Topics: Research

Identifying the Neurobiology Behind Sleep Issues in PWS

Sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness severely impact the quality of life for many with PWS, as well as their parents and caregivers. Within the Global PWS Registry, about 50% of respondents report that their loved one suffers from excessive dayt...

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Topics: Research

Studying a Novel Model of Adult-Onset SNORD116 Deletion in Mice

In contrast to many rare diseases that can be traced to a single gene, PWS involves a region of DNA that encompasses numerous genes. A lot of PWS research is centered around trying to connect the dots between the genes in the PWS region and the actua...

Topics: Research

The Value of Patient Input and Perspective in Drug Development

Janet Woodock, MD, Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the FDA, recently highlighted how the FDA is placing a high priority on patient input and perspective in the drug development process. The agency recognizes that patients, ...

Topics: Research

You Can Help FPWR Better Understand Mental Wellness in PWS

We know that mental health is a critical part of quality of life for all individuals with PWS, and something every family wants to improve for their loved one with PWS. Two exciting projects below offer opportunities to contribute to PWS mental welll...

Topics: Research